Friday, May 23, 2008

An appointment with my doctor & my tattoo.

I was finally able to go see my doctor today. I am 30-40 pounds overweight and, at the risk of turning this into my friend(Maggie)'s blog, I will probably be posting a lot more about my food intake and exercise regimen. I'm going for some blood tests tomorrow morning to check for Anemia and Diabetes but my doctor thinks that most of the symptoms I was discussing with him are due to the extra weight. My doctor said I just need to walk 15 minutes every day in addition to whatever else I'm doing. He suggested buying a used treadmill so I can't use the weather as an excuse not to walk. He also wants me to swap my whole wheat breakfast bagel for whole wheat bread. He thinks that little changes will allow me to lose 1/2 a pound a week. It feels like it will be hard but I will try to be patient. I walked for 15 minutes after dinner and that's a good start.

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