Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Okay, so I haven't posted in a week.

Work has been busy and fun. I finally produced my own piece for work. I was sent out to cover a nearby press conference. I fillmed it, edited it, and it aired last night. I'm sooooo excited! In addition, the piece I produced last year, (but didn't quite finish editing) on a local Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration, for the station I was volunteering for will also be airing soon. That station had a couple of their interns edit the piece down to an hour (from an hour and eight minutes) and I was given a copy when I volunteered as a camera operator for their latest Town Council meeting shoot on Thursday night.

In other news, I'm going dancing tonight, after I do some chores, and I'm going to a concert tomorrow night. Woo hoo!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I feel much better now.

Hi All,

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've been fighting a cold and was home sick for two days last week. This week I played catch up at work but we had a good time. I work with nice people and get lots of compliments. It is satisfying. I had dinner with Uncle Les & Amy this past weekend. It was nice to catch up. This weekend I'm going to see my friend Jane. She is a member of the community where I went to college and I'll be going to church & brunch with her on Sunday. For those of you on Facebook, I finally checked back in but I'm blocking most application invitations because I don't have time to keep up with them. I do appreciate you all thinking of me, however.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Please exercise your constitutional right today and VOTE!

Having said that, I don't think I've mentioned lately how much I love living in a small town. I got up early this morning so that I could vote on my way into work. The sun was shining, the leaves are beautiful colors, and my polling place is in our adorable little whitewashed town hall (situated between the adorable little whitewashed library and the big whitewashed church, all historic buildings I think). Anyway, our line consisted of three people ahead of me. The poll workers were all very nice (and, Mom, they complimented me on the "Hundred Acre Original" sweatshirt that you bought me, which I'm wearing today). They checked me in (no ID needed) and handed me a large paper ballot which I took to my cubby (literally, wooden box frames set up on the stage inside the main hall). After I was done penciling an X next to the candidates I had chosen, I took my paper ballot over to a large, antique, wooden box with a crank on the side. I put my ballot in a slot at the top, the town police officer cranked the gear, and my ballot was sucked inside---accompanied by a "ding" from the bell on top. Then I checked out and continued on my way to work. My only regret is that no one was giving out "I Voted!" stickers.

How did your voting experience go? Please share it with us by commenting on this post.