Saturday, June 30, 2007

I'm Exhausted

We have been rehearsing all day and I didn't get much sleep last night. However, we sound fabulous and I love our music. I'm really enjoying being here, singing with everyone, and working under Cathy Melhorn's baton. Also, the food has been really good so I'm eating a lot and drinking plenty of water. I'm also getting some excercise. Now I'm going to do some packing/organizing and go to bed. I hope you are all well.

Please remember: Concert tomorrow, Sunday, July 1st, 4pm, Abbey Chapel.

Friday, June 29, 2007

I have arrived at MHC!

Hi All,

Okay, after several exhausting days of final packing, errands, training and leaving notes for my replacement at work, and studying my music I have arrived at Mount Holyoke in preparation for our choral tour through China.

I moved the last of my stuff out of my apartment yesterday afternoon and turned in my key. My landline phone number and electricity should be turned off by the end of today. A big thank you to Lynette and Andrew who helped me take the last load of stuff to storage yesterday and made a run to Salvation Army with the stuff I wanted to donate. We also got to have lunch together afterwards and that was nice.

Anyway, I've been organizing and handing out dresses for the tour since about 9:30am today and I'm having fun socializing with the rest of the alumns who've gotten here early. I'm really tired and hope to get a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, I don't think my plans for a nap this afternoon are going to come to fruition.

On the career front, I've already had a discussion today with Tiffany, who's a working actress out in LA, and she thinks that's probably the best place to start. We also agree on the circumstances out there that I probably won't like (traffic, for instance).

For those of you in the area, you can come see me off on Sunday at 4pm. We are performing our Bon Voyage Concert at Abbey Chapel before we get on the bus to NY.

Monday, June 25, 2007

My Stuff Is In Storage

Hi All,

Well, I'm a bit sore and really tired but, the big stuff is all in storage. Thanks to Curt providing a really big truck, and Steve, my cousin Jonathan, & my neighbor Lynn helping with packing and transportation, we were able to move almost all of my stuff into storage in two trips (2 truckloads and about 4 carloads). We did it all in about 6 hours on Saturday.

I slept on a friend's recliner on Saturday night and, because I'd only gotten about 6 hours of sleep the night before, I slept until 12:30pm on Sunday. I took it easy for a couple of hours and then went back to my place to continue sorting through my clothes (deciding what is going to China, to storage, and to my friend's house for when I come back from China) and papers. I'll be doing a lot of shredding shortly!

Anyway, Lynette and Andrew are going to help me take the last of my stuff to storage on Wednesday. In the meantime, I have to pick up some more packing boxes tonight.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Storage and Safe Deposit Box

Yesterday I got my first safe deposit box. I can put stuff in there while I go to China and keep stuff in there that shouldn't go in my storage unit. I also picked up my prescription for Cipro (just in case) to take to China and grabbed a couple of other things the pharmacist recommended.

This morning I stopped by the storage place to sign the papers, see the unit, and get my key. Tomorrow I'll be moving stuff into the unit with the help of a friend with a pickup truck and, hopefully, other friends with cars and better backs than mine. :) Tonight I have to finish packing up my kitchen and bathroom and do anything that requires my computer.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Very First Post

Hi All,

I figured this blog would be a great way to keep in touch with my friends and family as I begin this period of transition in my life. So, here it goes...

I am moving most of my stuff into storage this Saturday and will be completely out of my apartment before 8am next Friday. From there I will head to MHC for rehearsals, and our Bon Voyage concert, before leaving for our two week Choral tour through China. When I return from China mid-July I will be staying with, and house-sitting for, friends in the area while I finish training my replacement at the Symphony. I should be done with that sometime in August and will turn my attention back to career stuff. I hope to finalize my plans and know if I'm moving to LA or NYC (to get a job in TV production) by the Fall.

In the meantime, personal and career updates will appear here so that we can still be close.