Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm baaaack!

I had a lovely time with my family and I will be posting pics and perhaps some video soon. We took the boys to the Crayola Factory and to Northlandz. At Crayola Jacob got to paint, draw, and create while we all learned some interesting facts about the crayon business. Northlandz can't really be described, it has to be seen to be appreciated. I think Becky took some pictures that she may post on her Facebook page. Northlandz took years to plan and, I think, 4 years to build. It is a miniature train landscape, containing about 400 trains, housed in a 50,000 square foot two-story building. The details are amazing and a lot of humor is revealed as one travels through the displays. It was really cool. Anyway, I'm really tired. I got home late from work because I had to stay late. I goofed and accidentally set my alarm for 8:30PM today and woke up about 15 minutes after I was supposed to be at work. Thankfully, Scott was really nice about it. We made it work but it caused a few problems. Oh well, it was still a good day.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fun, Food, but no fireworks.

Last Thursday night I met up with Wendy, Lynette (accompanied by, now toddler, Aisla Rose), and Lynette's parents to attend a two-part concert at a local church. The first half featured "Rising Tide" in the church's sanctuary while for the second half we adjourned to the, slightly damp, lawn for dinner and a carrillon concert. I had a really good time and it was nice getting to see everyone again.

This weekend Steve and I went to his mom's to celebrate the fourth. We had lots of fun teaching his mom & sister to play "Magic: The Gathering". We also lit sparklers.

I'm really tired so this isn't the most well written post. Oh well, I at least wanted you to know what I've been up to. Happy Summer!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

In the category of things you shouldn't say on national, live, TV...

the winner is---Jeanine from "So You Think You Can Dance". Susan got me hooked on this show and tonight Philip & Jeanine did a really good, hard-hitting, hip-hop routine that centered around them being chained together. After the routine Kat Deeley, the emcee, asked them about problems rehearsing with the chain. They explained that it had broken several times and that they just kept practicing with it all week, attempting to figure out what they would do if any of the seemingly limitless possible tragedies that could happen with it did. Jeanine went on to say that, as a result, they had chains all over their apartment. The audience couldn't contain themselves and the look on Jeanine's face, when she realized what she'd said, was priceless.

Other than that, I'm looking forward to an extra day off this weekend and, surprisingly, doing a little clothes shopping. Oh, one more thing. In my bargain hunters column: I picked up a practically new Trivial Pursuit: Book Lovers Edition at the Salvation Army today for $6! Woo hoo! Now I just need to get some friends together to play it. :)