Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm talking with mom! :)

I got home from work around 7:20pm tonight. Since I arrived home I've nuked and eaten dinner, called my dad, called my sister, prepped most of my stuff for tomorrow, and called my mom. Dad & Jan are on vacation and having a relaxing time. Becky is enjoying being a mom of two and she has completed all her coursework at school. She is now qualified for the college of education at the school she attends. Yeah! Mom started a new job and and is doing a lot of babysitting of my nephews. Susan just got home from tennis and we are going to sit down and discuss finances and other stuff. It will be nice to have someone else to bounce my ideas off of.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I did some training at work this week.

It was nice to share my knowledge and have a fairly relaxed time doing it. A couple of women from the community decided to do a show of acapella music but they didn't have any television production experience. They came in on Thursday, with three of their friends, and I showed them how our studio cameras, sound board, and switcher work. They had a good time and have already asked about doing another show. I also taught them some of the basics of iMovie and they have almost finished editing their show. I still have a lot to learn but it feels good to share some of what I already have.

I just finished watching Dr. Who "Forest of the Dead". I liked part two of this story much better. In addition to the episode being less scary, I've had a week to get used to the idea that the Dr. finally finds his true soulmate and it isn't me. There, I said it. I am admitting that I have been in love with a fictional character since I was a kid. Incidentally, I think the first of the Doctor's regenerations that I would have dated was Peter Davison but I'm not sure since I've seen all of them. Of course, the new writers are still tantalizing us with tidbits of the Doctor's backstory that they are feeding us little by little. They have been really good about the payoffs, at least. The upcoming episode also looks like a scary one but I hope they all won't be that way from now on.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I should be in bed right now...

but I needed to balance my checkbook and pay a bill. I didn't get home until almost 10pm and, unfortunately, I've been watching TV since then. I have gotten some useful stuff done tonight. I even got an instant message from Ali. It's been nice to hear from her from time to time while I'm working on the computer. I have to go call one of my credit card companies because they charged me interest after I paid off my balance. I had called them for a payoff amount and was told that all I had to pay was the amount on the bill. We'll see what happens.

Friday, June 20, 2008

A couple of whimsies.

One of my dreams this morning involved me being a contestant on the TV show "So You Think You Can Dance". I was one of the final four or five dancers and was excited because I was going to the finale. I had been in the bottom two but the other person was cut. Unfortunately, the producers came to me after the show and told me they'd made a mistake. It was really the guy I had been on the chopping block with that they wanted to have in the finale. I was bummed but I understood. I couldn't believe how far I'd gotten as a non-dancer! :)

On my way to work I saw a cloud formation that looked a bit like one of the Basestar ships from the new "Battlestar Gallactica".

Also, I had more than 10,000 steps on Wednesday and more than 11,000 yesterday. I've already taken 9,760 today. Yeah, me!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I literally tightened my belt today!

I was really excited when I got dressed this morning. My weight loss thus far allowed me to use the second hole on my belt instead of the first. Yeah, me! :)

I'm writing this at 12:15AM because I only arrived home about half an hour ago. We covered a School Committee meeting at work and it lasted 4 1/2 hours. On the upside, I got some great shots as a camera operator and I don't have to be at work until 2PM tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So, it occurs to me that I should change the description of this blog.

Since I've begun my career in television and I'm staying in the same general area for now. I'll have to ponder where I want to take my blog from here.

Anyway, I've lost some more weight, yeah! I can even see some of the weight loss in my torso. At least, in front. In the back I've still got some fat rolls. Oh, well. One pound at a time. I'm being really good about my diet and exercising. Unfortunately, there is some Ben & Jerry's in the freezer that is calling my name. Resistance is NOT futile! :)

In other news, I have finally succumbed and joined All the cool kids were doing it. Thank you to those of you who strong armed, I mean, suggested, that I join. I've already had a sheep thrown at me, thrown a red gummy bear, and exchanged plants to help save the rainforests. Seriously, though, it looks like a great way to keep in touch with all my far flung friends. I look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just hanging out.

Susan and I are chillin' watching "So You Think You Can Dance" (SYTYCD). The Cha Cha that was just performed was really hot! Mia Michaels' contemporary routine was fabulous! She said that she was imagining Tim Burton getting married when she choreographed it. I really saw it when she had the dancers use their hands and faces to mimic the face expansion of the Dietz's in "Beetlejuice".

Last night's live election show that I directed was another learning experience but it was kind of fun. I got us into the show fine but I had discovered, as I I went to start the backup tapes & dvds, that the AC in our control room was leaking badly. I felt it hitting my leg and turned around to see a large puddle creeping across the floor towards a power strip. I quickly turned off the AC and moved the electronics out of the way. I managed to find a bucket to catch the water and ran to the bathroom to get paper towels. All of this while the show was going on!

Finally, I'm glad that the temperature was about 20 degrees cooler today than the last two days. 102 degrees is just too hot for my taste. :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

I keep on keepin' on.

Work is keeping me busy. We were scheduled to have 6 big shoots to cover in 4 days this week. We're actually going to be live on two channels tomorrow night and Thursday night. I worked 10am to 6pm today and Scott caught a break because the band that was supposed to play tonight cancelled this afternoon. That was bad for Travis and the show but it means that Scott might actually not work 70 hours this week!

I'm still sticking to my diet and exercise regime and I got a good report at the dentist's last week. I enjoyed watching SciFi Friday and I had a good time filming the concert on Saturday night. I even took a walk around town afterwards, until I had to retreat to my car due to an impending thunderstorm.

Friday, June 6, 2008

A little update

First, Caissa got three questions answered by Margaret Cho. See her blog for details.

I'm continuing with my diet and exercise routine. I've done my walk each morning and run errands at work. I even got to walk with Susan and the dogs one evening. The weather has been beautiful, even the rain. Tomorrow's forecast is for 90 degrees. Oy!

Tomorrow night I'll be operating a camera for the premiere of a new local concert series. It will be nice to get back behind the lens.

Wednesday I directed the Ways & Means committee meeting at work for the second time. I didn't make the same mistakes as last time, instead I made all new ones. :)

Thursday I met some friends after work and tonight I've been watching TV: new series Charlie Jade, Dr. Who, Numbers, House, and Battlestar Gallactica. It means staying up until 1 am but I really want to find out who the final Cylon is.

Next week will be crazy at work. We have six shoots to do in four nights. Scott will be doing four and I'll be doing the other two. One is an election results show that should be pretty interesting. Our schedule will be a bit erratic, thank goodness for my flexible work schedule.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I'll post my weight again on Friday.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Results Are In

I got the results of my blood tests and I do NOT have diabetes. My blood sugar is normal at 86. My kidney and liver function, blood count, thyroid, and protein level are all normal. My cholesterol was the only bad news at 216 (HDL 51, LDL 142). I weighed myself on Sunday and was 164 pounds. I have been diligent about walking 15 minutes a day in addition to keeping track of the amount of steps I take the rest of the day with my pedometer. I had more than 13,000 steps on Saturday! I'm also eating much better---less food overall and salad for lunches. My goal is 130 pounds. I'll keep you all posted.