Thursday, May 1, 2008

I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This all happened very quickly so I am a bit late updating my blog.

I had a nice visit with my dad and stepmom and returned home (with a touch of a cold or something, unfortunately) on Sunday. Dad and I went out for Sushi on Saturday night. We had a good conversation and the Sushi was teriffic. Steve picked me up from the train station early Sunday evening and took me home. I was exhausted but it was nice to be back. Susan had already returned from her vacation down South and we shared with each other about our trips. Susan brought me back some nice food treats: broth style clam chowder (I've already eaten it, yummy!), chocolate covered peanuts (I've already tried them, double yum!), honey ginger marinade (I'm going to use it to cook a shrimp or fish dinner for us, to celebrate my new job), and some salsa.

I returned to my temp job on Monday morning to many compliments and explanations that I'd been sorely missed. In fact, I found out that several people had been saying "thank you" at their desks, after they'd heard someone paged over the intercom, because the person filling in for me wasn't saying it. When I checked my voicemail on my 3PM break, I found a message from the community television station that I'd applied to asking me to come in for an interview that day. Since I was going to the station anyway, to film the live music show, the Executive Director agreed to meet with me as soon as I got there. It was fairly informal and she was nice. She's also very concerned about her employees burning themselves out so she is careful not to let anyone overwork themselves. Yeah! Unfortunately, after the interview, the band didn't show up for the show so we had to run a tape. The up side was that I got home early and was able to watch the new episode of "House". Hilarious! (Next week's show looks even funnier, I can hardly wait.)

Tuesday on my afternoon break I discovered another voicemail message from the Executive Director of the station. I called her back and she offered me the job. I start on Monday. It is 40 hours a week and has benefits. The hours are great and the dress is very casual. I think this all really fits with my personality and preferences. My duties will range from answering the phone and signing out equipment to editing and assisting with all aspects of production. I've been telling people that it's a combination of receptionist and Jane-of-all-trades. :) It will be a great opportunity to learn a lot and I'll be working with good people. Susan has told me that I don't have to rush to leave. I can take my time to get back on my, economic, feet. I want to get some money in the bank, get a new (to me) car---my mom suggested something a year old, give some money to Susan, and then find a place (maybe within walking distance) to rent in the town where the station is.

Today at noon the company where I'm temping is shutting down and treating everyone to lunch. We are all going to a nearby Chinese buffet. I'm excited because they have Sushi and crab legs! It will be a nice break and a good chance to socialize and say good bye. My two weeks here have turned into more than two months so I've made lots of connections with my coworkers.

Tonight I'm filiming a City Council meeting with the other community television station I've been volunteering for. We're also going to film a parade on Saturday. After that, I don't know how much I'll be doing with them (or for the live music show) because I don't want to overdo it. However, I have told them that I will want to keep learning and doing things with them that I'm not doing at work. For instance, if I decide I really want to be a professional camera operator, I don't want to be told later on that I don't have enough camera experience because I've been doing all kinds of other production stuff.

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