Saturday, December 15, 2007

Video Production has started.

Yesterday afternoon I picked up a field camera from the TV station so I could start my homework. I, willingly, was a guinea pig because this was the first time they were checking out equipment to someone. After eating dinner and sending off an email (see below) I began shooting. I have recorded all the images for my countdown and two cutaways for the interview. Susan and I will be taping the interview itself and reaction shots tomorrow. I'd like to come up with one more cutaway but I'm having trouble finding something that won't be problematic to shoot.

The email I sent last night was a piece to be included in a memory book for a former college professor of mine who is retiring. She was my advisor in the Theatre department and she really helped me to grow as a person. Those of you familiar with my sense of humor will not be surprised that this is what I sent:

ODE TO JOYCE (To the tune of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”)

By Alicia Van Beethoven

Joyce, Joyce you advised me
Through the years at MHC.
My life unfolded there before you
Leading to my degree.

You always asked me questions
Probing my drive and skills.
You trusted me with Stage Managing
Even when I was a pill.

Joyce, Joyce you helped me
Create some great memories.
Now I’m returning the favor
I hope you think this is funny.

“I think this would be good for you”,
About classes and jobs I heard you say.
“I’m so glad you dumped that guy”,
Was what you said reunion day.

Joyce, Joyce you inspired me
When you talked about your bass lessons.
And you also employed me
In house- and dog-sitting sessions.

You were a great advisor!
Thank you so much for continuing
To do that even after
My graduating.

Congratulations on retiring and thanks for all you did for me.

In other news: Today I sent off my annual holiday treat packages to my family. Rick, who works at the post office, commented how early I am this year. As London Tipton says, "Yay me!" (insert clapping here). {See "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" on Disney Channel for the reference.}

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