Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So, it occurs to me that I should change the description of this blog.

Since I've begun my career in television and I'm staying in the same general area for now. I'll have to ponder where I want to take my blog from here.

Anyway, I've lost some more weight, yeah! I can even see some of the weight loss in my torso. At least, in front. In the back I've still got some fat rolls. Oh, well. One pound at a time. I'm being really good about my diet and exercising. Unfortunately, there is some Ben & Jerry's in the freezer that is calling my name. Resistance is NOT futile! :)

In other news, I have finally succumbed and joined Facebook.com. All the cool kids were doing it. Thank you to those of you who strong armed, I mean, suggested, that I join. I've already had a sheep thrown at me, thrown a red gummy bear, and exchanged plants to help save the rainforests. Seriously, though, it looks like a great way to keep in touch with all my far flung friends. I look forward to hearing from you.

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