Monday, June 9, 2008

I keep on keepin' on.

Work is keeping me busy. We were scheduled to have 6 big shoots to cover in 4 days this week. We're actually going to be live on two channels tomorrow night and Thursday night. I worked 10am to 6pm today and Scott caught a break because the band that was supposed to play tonight cancelled this afternoon. That was bad for Travis and the show but it means that Scott might actually not work 70 hours this week!

I'm still sticking to my diet and exercise regime and I got a good report at the dentist's last week. I enjoyed watching SciFi Friday and I had a good time filming the concert on Saturday night. I even took a walk around town afterwards, until I had to retreat to my car due to an impending thunderstorm.

1 comment:

Cami said...

Good job with your weight loss. It's hard, but worth it. I figure if I tell myself that, I'll eventually commit to losing some weight. :P Miss you!