Tuesday, February 5, 2008

More updates

Okay, first, YEAH GIANTS!!! 'Nuff said about that.

I am working this week. The temp agency called me Monday morning. I am working at a research lab, as a switchboard operator and receptionist, in a nearby state. The commute is an hour but the people are nice and I'm so busy that I'm not bored. I worked today and I'll be there tomorrow. After that, they'll let me know if they need me for Thursday and Friday. In the meantime, I got a voicemail from the temp agency about a job for next week. This helps a lot with my fears about money.

Steve's still recuperating at his mom's. I'll probably pick him up this weekend.

I had the best time operating a camera at the live, local music show last night! I was moving the camera almost constantly and got to pick most of my own shots. It was the first time I dealt with a non-stationary studio camera. It was a fabulous experience and I learned a lot. I think I smiled the entire time. The music was really good too. I can't wait to go back next week.

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