Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lots and lots of working going on.

Quick update on my car first: I'm still driving Susan's spare because mine made a funny engine noise after we finally got it unstuck on Sunday. I may take it to Mark & Carol's on Saturday or ask them to look at it when they come here next Thursday. Another option, besides buying a new one, is to have Susan's mechanic take a look at it. Oy!

I've been working all week. (yeah! $$$$) The 3 to 5 day filing project turned out to be bigger than the company thought it would be so turned into more like 5 1/2 or 6 and they asked me to stay an extra two days to assist with a different project. When I finally got the filing done I felt a great sense of accomplishment. The staff keeps saying how grateful they are to have received competent help. :) Next week and the week after I will be returning to the research company who specifically requested my services as their receptionist.

On the TV front, I still haven't heard from my cousin. I'll email Aunt Nancy next week if I still haven't heard. I helped film the city council meeting tonight. It was short and funny and I got some more good practice in. The director is asking more from us now since there are several of us who have logged a lot of camera time.

Last, but not least, I've been invited to my cousin's (Jenny) baby shower next month. It will be at my Uncle's house in the eastern part of the state. I can't wait to see her and help her celebrate this great occasion. I thought Dad would be going with me but it turns out that he has a big fundraiser for his job that weekend.

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