Saturday, December 6, 2008

I had a wonderful day.

I went to bed last night after doing chores and watching Peter Davison (the man can still act and is a joy to watch) in the pilot episode of "The Last Detective" (another Salvation Army bargain---$3.14 for series one, volume one of this BBC show) and felt satisfied that I had not frittered away another Friday night doing nothing but watching TV.

This morning I picked up Jane at her house and we went to the craft fair at her church. The fair was a lot bigger than the last time I attended (back when I was in college). We looked at some interesting crafts and beautiful jewelry, bought some cookies, ate a yummy lunch (zucchini chowder---I loved it even though I hate zucchini) while catching up with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile, then shopped some more. It was nice spending time with Jane (and her husband Tom who caught up with us after his tennis match). She's doing really well, recovering from her stroke, and is no longer using a walker. She even forgets to bring her cane along sometimes because she doesn't need it that much. I felt full of love and friendship while we were all together. Oh, and I also came home with two chocolate-covered marshmallows! :)

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