Saturday, October 6, 2007

Fall Festival!

After being in a funk for a couple of days (worrying about career and move stuff) I was cheered up by friends on Thursday and got to laugh a lot.

Friday I took the scenic route into town (I was trying to find a new, shorter, route to my P. O. box) and got to see the beauty of the changing leaves. The weather here has been gorgeous! After lunch with a friend I returned home to take a very long walk with Susan and the dogs. It was really good to get a lot of exercise. I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening working on my cover letter for the job application I'm sending in next week. After that I watched some TV. The season finale of Dr. Who was awesome. The teaser for next season had me laughing out loud! Then I went to the midnight showing of Labrynth. That was fun.

I slept late this morning and it was a little hard to get started once I woke up. I had miso soup as part of breakfast because I'd just read about miso's beneficial health effects. Plus, I really like miso soup. Then I met up with Steve and we went to the Fall Festival in the town where he lives. It was fun. I ate crawfish pasta and some fried dough with maple cream. I also drank some applejack soda (think hard cider without the alcohol) that was yummy. Then we went to the library's used book sale. Some people would say that I've never met a book I didn't like. Some silly person got rid of their Piers Anthony "Xanth" collection so I scooped it up along with a couple of "Dr. Who" books and the first book in the "Bartimeus" trillogy. I picked up 16 books for $15.50 and five of them were hardcovers. Later I bought some organic tomatoes. All in all, it was a good time. Returning home I ate some of the teriaki salmon I'd made yesterday. Now I'm catching up on email, this blog, my cover letter, and laundry. I'm also watching Halloweentown. :)

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