Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monday was a big day!

I arrived at a local senior center at 9:30 on Monday morning to be a part of the crew filming a local mayor's inauguration. It was different from previous shoots because it was being taped (instead of being broadcast live), we were using field cameras (as opposed to studio cameras---these are more portable), and we weren't linked to our director via headset. At the end of the shoot, the director sent me into the reception room with the camera (sans tripod) and told me to get some crowd shots. That was kind of cool and I don't think I shook the camera too much. :)

After the shoot ended around 11:30AM, I ate my lunch in my car and then walked around town. I picked up the sheet music for Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" while I was at it. Susan was playing the version by K. D. Lang the other day and mentioned how much she'd like to hear me perform it. I love the song and she was right about it being perfect for my voice. I've been plunking it out at the piano a bit over the last two days. Susan used to take piano lessons so she's going to see if she can accompany me. That will be cool.

At 1PM I reunited with the rest of the crew and we filmed a very quick city council meeting where they voted for a new city council president. At one point I goofed and my camera drifted but I've seen it on TV already and it doesn't look to bad. Thank goodness. I think I prefer being a production assistant and techie to camera operator because I worry that a lot more when I'm manning a camera.

When I got home I called the temp agency but they didn't have anything for this week. I've gotten a little exercise this week by walking the dogs with Susan. I think I'm going to check out her "Hip Hop Abs" video tapes this week to get some more. Today, I fixed a wooden chair that had been broken for awhile. I really like fixing things and using tools.

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