Friday, January 25, 2008

Editing on my own

I spent the afternoon in the editing suite at the studio and put together the first 24 minutes of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Event. I'm going back on Monday to work on it some more. Once the rough cut is done, the staff of the station will take a look at it and make suggestions or ok it to air. I'm excited! I think it looks pretty good so far. I'm also asking good questions of the staff and learning a lot.

By the way, my cell phone is now five by five. :) (For those of you who don't speak "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", or military jargon, that means that my voicemail is all set and you shouldn't have any problems connecting with my phone.) Hooray!

I'm also working on the stuff I'm going to send to my cousin who runs a production company out in LA. (Thanks again to Aunt Nancy for setting this up!) I hope to finish the letter and cover letter this weekend. I already updated my resume. I want to send them out on Monday.

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