Thursday, January 10, 2008

Editing Class, Opportunity, and Other Neat Stuff

Editing class last night was really cool. There are three of us in this class (because you can only fit four people in the editing suite, and that just barely) and two of us got to edit our interviews last night. The first person's interview was pretty short so she was able to complete hers with all us us watching and listening to our teacher walk her through it. Then I got to begin mine. We are using IMovie. It is easy to use and I am excited to continue.

Tonight I helped film a local school committee meeting. For the first part of the meeting I was operating a hand-held field camera. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep the thing steady. Thankfully, the director wasn't planning on using the footage. It was just a test for future shoots. Later in the shoot I was operating the studio camera and I got a lot of good practice because this was a one camera shoot. I had to be able to capture everything that was going on without a break. I learned to zoom out to get the whole room between getting head shots of individual speakers on opposite sides of the room. The director suggested that next time I can move the camera around more to get different kinds of shots and keep things interesting for the viewing audience.

As we were cleaning up after the shoot, the director complimented my camera work and suggested that I volunteer for a live music program in a nearby city. He thinks that the additional practice, and the livelier type of shoot, would be good for me and that I could be really good at this. He is going to put a good word in for me with the director of that program.

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