Sunday, November 25, 2007

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.

Mine was lovely. As I wrote in my last post, Wednesday night I baked a green bean casserole (I add mushrooms to mine) and a chocolate chip pecan pie. The pie got rave reviews on Thursday and Friday when it was consumed by Steve and his family and my friend Susan. We played "Uno" with Steve's family until about 12:30 AM on Friday. I was tired but it was a lot of fun. Friday evening I did a little shopping (the mall was busy but not crazy, I think because people went home for dinner) and got some good bargains. Yesterday and today I've been hanging out with friends and working on my Director's Guild Training Program application. It needs to be postmarked by Friday. Once I'm done with this post I'll head back downstairs and continue working on my essay question answers. I can't wait until my TV production class on Tuesday night, I start dog sitting for Raymah towards the end of the week, and I might be going to see the Capitol Steps this weekend. Yeah!

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