Saturday, November 3, 2007

Big News!

Yesterday at lunch a friend of mine mentioned that a local community television station had just moved into a new studio space and that same friend wondered if I'd given any thought to getting involved with said station. When I came home, I googled the station and discovered that they were having an open house/grand opening today from 1pm-4pm. The short version of the story is that I'm now a member of the station and I am enrolled in their basic producer course (6 weeks beginning November 13th). I also spoke to their Executive Director and I may be doing some volunteer work for them in the areas of website and basic production. It will be a great learning opportunity and a good way to do some more networking. I'm really excited.

Anyway, I'm off now to see the midnight showing of Jurassic Park!

(Raymah, I'll get back to you Monday but I can probably pet sit for you. Thanks for asking.)


Raymah said...

Alicia this is good news on both accounts. How come you don't say what community?

Mary said...

Alicia that is so awesome! congrats to you!