Monday, June 25, 2007

My Stuff Is In Storage

Hi All,

Well, I'm a bit sore and really tired but, the big stuff is all in storage. Thanks to Curt providing a really big truck, and Steve, my cousin Jonathan, & my neighbor Lynn helping with packing and transportation, we were able to move almost all of my stuff into storage in two trips (2 truckloads and about 4 carloads). We did it all in about 6 hours on Saturday.

I slept on a friend's recliner on Saturday night and, because I'd only gotten about 6 hours of sleep the night before, I slept until 12:30pm on Sunday. I took it easy for a couple of hours and then went back to my place to continue sorting through my clothes (deciding what is going to China, to storage, and to my friend's house for when I come back from China) and papers. I'll be doing a lot of shredding shortly!

Anyway, Lynette and Andrew are going to help me take the last of my stuff to storage on Wednesday. In the meantime, I have to pick up some more packing boxes tonight.

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