Thursday, May 21, 2009

So, do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in a day?

Hmmmm, it's been three weeks since my last post. Where does the time go? I've been working a lot of different hours and participating in social events. I thought I had posted on here since I saw Rising Tide perform (loved the concert!, btw) but, since that was May 6th and my last post was May 3rd, I realize that wasn't correct. Oh, well. There really isn't a good way to fit emailing/blogging into my morning routine (I'm still trying to figure out how to put my 15 minute walk back into it. That got blitzed when I was sick.) and when I get home at night I prepare for the next day. Once I'm done, it's usually time for bed, or a snack, some TV, and bed. I've been limiting my TV watching, though, and that's allowed me to get more done, but it's still hard to hop online. At some point I'll kvetch about the movie ("Wolverine") & season finales ("CSI: Miami" springs instantly to mind) I've seen lately and thought were "eh". On the other hand, "Dollhouse" and "How I Met Your Mother" had great finales! I almost can't wait for next season. :)

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