Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dagnabbit! I must be writing posts in my dreams.

I could have sworn that I had posted about what I did during Memorial Weekend but I don't see anything about it here. I worry, sometimes, that I'm losing my marbles. Anyhow, I want to let you know that one of the fun things I did over the weekend (in addition to house sitting and taking care of some really cute puppies and kitties) was to go see the new "Star Trek" movie. It was awesome! The first half was amazing and the second half was really good (it slowed down a bit so it doesn't get a totally amazing throughout review). J. J. Abrams rocks! I'd add details but I need to go to bed soon.

Tonight, after work, I walked to my car experiencing the beauty of Spring. It was cool, and rain was misting into my face, but it was just lovely and I wanted to share that with you.

Finally, I want to add my voice to the dismay, disappointment, and outrage over the CA Supreme Court upholding Prop. 8. I wasn't listening to NPR today, so I didn't get the details, but I noticed an article about it when I got online a short time ago. I know that sometimes judges have to vote for something they don't like because it's, technically, legal but I am saddened that hate & discrimination have been upheld.

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