Saturday, November 22, 2008

Okay, so I haven't posted in a week.

Work has been busy and fun. I finally produced my own piece for work. I was sent out to cover a nearby press conference. I fillmed it, edited it, and it aired last night. I'm sooooo excited! In addition, the piece I produced last year, (but didn't quite finish editing) on a local Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration, for the station I was volunteering for will also be airing soon. That station had a couple of their interns edit the piece down to an hour (from an hour and eight minutes) and I was given a copy when I volunteered as a camera operator for their latest Town Council meeting shoot on Thursday night.

In other news, I'm going dancing tonight, after I do some chores, and I'm going to a concert tomorrow night. Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is well. Call us! My mother in law will be here tommorrow..... miss you